Well after a year and a half of healing from our chicken tragedy, we
are ready to have chicks again. Unfortunately some neighbor dogs got
into our chicken fence and massacred 18 chickens. To add insult to
injury it was my partner's birthday. Not a nice thing to wake up to. So
getting back to a place where we can have chickens again has taken a lot
of me convincing my partner and an electric fence.
So we got electricity down to the chicken house and so we have gotten
chicks! We keep them in the garage while they are little
and need more constant attention. Beside my son loves to hold them,
gently of course and that's great for the chicks too. We want gentle chickens that
are happy to have us hang out with them in their yard.
I have had chickens all my life. My dad loved to have chickens. We lived out in the woods with dogs so the racoons left our chickens alone. The only challenge we had growing up was the chickens always escaped. So we were constantly chasing them back into the yard.
So this is how we do it! We use a dog kennel to contain them. The kennel has big holes so when they are little I put cardboard walls up so that they don't squeeze through the holes. And also so the cats don't get them. We have hunter kitties so we have to watch closely until they are big enough to defend themselves.
They need a water container, and baby chick feed. Bedding is important to help maintain a warm temperature, we used pine shavings. A not breezy place is good too. It's not unusual for people to keep chicks in the house for a week or two if it's cold in your climate.
It was exceptionally cold today so I put them in a card board box inside the kennel to keep them a little warmer. Chicks need a heat lamp to stay warm. We bought chicks from our local feed store. They had a min of six so we bought six. We may get a few more. We purchased Americana, Rhode Island Red and Orp Buffington.
The Americana will produce green and blue tinted eggs. These chicks will not produce eggs for four to five months. So we will need to be patient and raise them through most of the summer before we get fresh eggs everyday!

Have you ever had chickens? What was your experience?
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